Blogger Recognition Award


I was nominated by Lia @ Lost in a Story for the Blogger Recognition Award! If you haven’t checked out her blog already then you should now! Thank you Lia for nominating me!!

I couldn’t find an actual button for the Blogger Recognition Award, it just looks like someone has made one and then a couple people continue it on until someone else makes another one.. So I’m making my own haha.

Feel free to use it just please link back to me! Thank you



  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice for new bloggers.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.

How I started

Well, I actually started for basically the same reason as Lia! I have been watching BookTube for ages now and I have always had the idea in the back of my head that I wanted to do this, but whenever I tried I just hated the recording part as I just don’t like being in front of a camera (unless it’s a selfie haha). I discovered the Book Blogging world and knew that this is was my answer and what I wanted to do!

I also hate sitting around doing nothing and living in a small town like I do there isn’t much to do and while blogging I fee like I’m actually accomplishing something!

Advice for new bloggers

Well, I’m fairly new myself as I have only been blogging for a couple months and only have about 50 followers.

My biggest advice is, don’t be scared to comment on other peoples posts! I have never struck a rude book blogger yet so don’t be scared to start a conversation or share your opinion on other people’s post. Most people will reply and it also gets you out there more and it will help your follower number haha. You will find that if you comment on someone’s post some people will go to your blog and comment on your posts! I know this is what I always try to do!

Always be honest! Even if you feel bad for absolutely disliking a book! Be honest and you will find that there is probably someone out there that agrees with you and you might just make an awesome friend with someone who has the same views as you on books! Also if you receive a book for review, whether it is an ARC or a book that has already been released, don’t feel like because you received the book for free that you can’t be honest if you don’t like the book.

I hope this advice will help someone! Because I know it helped me when I was still learning (well I still am learning haha).

I Tag

I tried to check if people have already done the award before tagging, but not everyone has search bar options on their blog! So sorry if I tagged you and you already have done it.



Beca Books

Story’s Friends

Books, Coffee & Passion

Teacher of YA

Whimsy Pages

Kelly Book Blog

Chloe Douglas Blog

By Page or By Plane


Ola Reads Books


The Night is Dark and Full of Books

Big City Book Worm

Thanks again Lia for the tag! Have fun guys!


6 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Thank you for the ta, hun! I am determined to catch up with all my pending tags today 🙂 Absolutely agree with you, don’t ever be scared to comment and make new friends. This community is great and even though not everyone have the same taste in books, people are nice and understanding! ❤

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